Body Brain Workshop February 25/26th 2011 - Body Brain Connect

Body Brain Education

Suited for people you have an intuitive and intellectual love of movement

Research Inspired Mind Body Education

Pilates Collective

Sebastopol, CA

February 25th/26th


Learn how the brain “sees” the body and walk away with at least 6 practical tips about how to improve your movement and teaching practice based on movement neuroscientific research.


Session 1 Body & movement

How motor and sensory pathways inform the body and brain

Learn about fight or flight and stress response and the    relaxation response

Implications for mind body teaching in the fight or flight & relaxation response

Session 2 Brain & movement

How the brain “sees” the body

Implications for mind body teaching using principles of neuroplasticity

Brain Based Teaching & Implications

Session 3 Mind & movement

How the mind influences movement

Implications for mind body teaching using neuroscientific research for touch, observation/demonstration, motor imagery & metaphor.

Session 4 Synthesis: Body, brain, mind & movement

How to teach movement to the body, brain and mind

Practice teaching and feedback + learning how to be critical consumers of brain research inspired products and services and how to communicate your new skills to future employers and clients

*$240 Class Fee plus $20 materials Fee

Instructor Anne Bishop developed Body Brain Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education while earning her masters in Mind, Brain and Education.  Anne is devoted to bringing the highest quality education to mind body instructors.